Thursday, August 27, 2020
Rizal and Dumas Essay Example for Free
Rizal and Dumas Essay Since youth, Jose Rizal effectively adored books. His mom, Doã ±a Teodora Alonzo showed him how to peruse a material in Spanish language and built up his psyche and creative gifts by revealing to him superb and vivid stories and sonnets. Besides, his Tio Gregorio, a book sweetheart, escalated his perusing of good books. The most loved distraction of Rizal during his stay in Madrid was perusing. Rather than betting and playing with ladies the same number of youthful Filipinos did in the Spanish city, he remained at home and read ravenously until late. I can relate Rizal’s love on books to my energy. Since my secondary school days, I was attracted to sagacious books and magazines. Lamentably, this enthusiasm of mine was not grown early enough in light of the fact that our school’s library in those days is inadequately prepared. There are just not many books and the majority of them are obsolete however I figured out how to pick up bits of knowledge from them. When I went to the University of San Jose-Recoletos (USJ-R) in Cebu City to seek after my school considers, I was a lot of energized when I discovered that the establishment has a captivating library. The size of our library in secondary school is just a single percent of the library of this University. I was astonished by the bunch of new and wise books showed in the shelves. Moreover, the office has a gigantic space with the goal that it can suit bunches of understudies. It is during my stay in this University enhanced my understanding aptitudes and build up my own character through understanding great and instructive books. Through perusing bunches of books and magazines just as surfing in the web, I had the option to broaden my insight and supported my spirit. I picked up heaps of data and insight from these understanding materials. Besides, my jargon and language structure had additionally improved through knowing the significance of new words I read from the books. In reality, perusing will genuinely bring you freedom opportunity in your psyche and soul. One of the most loved books of Rizal was the Count of Monte Cristo which was wrote by Alexander Dumas. This novelâ€which depicts the narrative of Edmond Dantes ingrained his sentimental longings. As needs be, the life of Edmond Dantes was an account of expectation, retaliation, pardoning, and benevolence. This epic was an amazing case of unadulterated astuteness and love. The subject of its st ory struck Rizal’s virtuoso psyche and special character. The epic turned into a most loved perusing material of the saint during his high school years. Then again, I can say that this account of Edmond Dantes was genuinely stand-out during the hours of Alexander Dumas. The story would show us the detestable side of human individual childishness and pride. Truth be told, the occasions in the story despite everything exist during these occasions. One genuine model is the defilement and shameful acts occurring in our nation. To give some examples: the instance of Ampatuan Massacre which up to this point is as yet not settled and the groups of the sad casualties still not ready to taste equity of the wrongdoing; and the ceaseless defilement in the Philippines. Besides, we can likewise relate the topic of the story to every one of us. The epic was an epic experience of a human being’s nature and feelings. I can say that it is normal for us to feel irate to the individuals who had wronged us. At the point when we hold resentment to somebody, we are constrained to render retribution so as to fulfill our sentiments of outrage. Indeed , this sort of passionate experience has just transpired once at that point and I took in such a great amount out from that experience. Without a doubt, it had likewise transpired else on this planet and numerous lives are destroyed as a result of the self-centeredness and pride of certain individuals. In any case, when we give up all that we feel to God and feeling each one of those feelings of outrage without attempting to transform whatever has transpired we will before long be edified and absolution will step our direction. When everything is sufficient and we feel that numerous individuals have been influenced in view of that sentiment of outrage and retribution, we begin to pardon the individuals who had wronged us. In like manner, this is probably the best inclination we experience as people in light of the fact that in pardoning you see harmony and love. At the point when you excuse an individual, it implies that you are relinquishing that resentment and finds your approach to harmony and joy. In reality, the Lord Jesus encouraged us to pardon the individuals who had wronged us. Indeed, even He Himself passed on in the cross with the end goal for us to be recovered from our transgressions and to encounter new life. That’s how enormous God’s love for us. Theref ore, it is fine when we need to experience sentiments of outrage towards an individual. It is acceptable to feel it as opposed to dismissing it since when we begin running from reality that we resent the individual and all we simply feel is retribution we begin to hurt ourselves as well as other people. Our wellbeing will be wrecked so much that our connections will be in much disorder. Maybe, this novel sustained the soul of Rizal to battle Spanish oppression. He was intentionally mindful of the barbarities and abuse that some Spanish authorities and monks did to his fellowmen. Debasement and bad form were wherever yet the majority of the Filipinos didn't know about it. The amazing Spanish Friars simply utilized the Catholic Religion so as to cover their degenerate activities. Yet, Rizal realized that there was something incorrectly and he should act to battle it. Besides, another two books that profoundly influenced Rizal were Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin and Eugene Sue’s The Wandering Jew. These two books stirred his compassion toward the ab used and appalling Filipino individuals. He further created and freed his brain by perusing different books and examining the various lives and societies of the European nations. He was frantic to free his experiencing compatriots servitude and torment. As much as Rizal did free his brain to wander into the questions and to discover that everything that the dictators did weren't right through intense examining, he likewise freed the psyches of his kinsmen through composing his first novel â€Å"Noli Me Tangere†. Surely, Noli was a phenomenal novel that demonstrated reality that the dictators are tormenting the Filipino individuals. As a result of this novel, the Spanish ministers were incensed and they attempted to secure themselves by assaulting the novel. Notwithstanding, truth will consistently win and the cooperative attitude consistently win. I can say that Rizal was assigned by God to be the guardian angel of the Filipino individuals against Spanish oppression and we can see this through his one of a kind virtu oso and nationalism. He cherished his comrades and he discovered astuteness in each off-base thing occurring in his nation. He attempted to discover a path so as to address this bad behavior and he set himself up to free his comrades. Undoubtedly, Rizal was a genuine hero. Also, one of the variables that urged him to free his psyche and his kin was perusing acceptable books. Consequently, I can say that guessing what can free you might be thinking from negative â€Å"stinking†convictions that blinded you from seeing the privilege and positive method of living. Indeed, I could state that a portion of our convictions that we created and acquired based from our past encounters and impacts are on the whole lies. They should be expelled with the end goal for us to see reality, the correct bearing and the most everlasting way. Furthermore, we can do this through perusing and procuring insight and information. Our lives are driven by our own convictions and those convictions carried us to where we are correct now whether those convictions are correct or wrong. As much as Rizal liberated his compatriots from Spanish oppression through utilizing his excellent character and remarkable virtuoso, we can likewise free our brains against the negative contemplations that are excepting our psyches to see the correct path towards carrying on with the most out of life through kept creating of our character and constancy and energy to learn new things even to the things that we don't have a clue. That’s a genuine gallantry!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
10 Steps to Training Your Brain for Peak Performance
10 Steps to Training Your Brain for Peak Performance You can land the best position on the planet and be set up to have the best profession you’ve consistently longed for. Think you’re done? Indeed, you could be. You could settle for the status quo and coast for the remainder of your working days. Or then again you could remain sharp, continue learning, and put yourself in the way for considerably greater things. How to do that? Basic. Regardless of whether you’re attempting to remain sharp to excel or simply attempting to improve your memory and general mental execution, here are a couple of systems to prepare your brain.1. Feedâ it well.There is such an incredible concept as cerebrum food. What we eat affects our memory and capacity. Get your neural circuits set up for progress by eating fish high in omega unsaturated fats, cut back on the sugar, and eat a lot of leafy foods. Taking a bunch of nutrient enhancements won’t hurt either. Attempt B-nutrients, C, E, omegas, choline, and other antioxidants.2. Ex ercise daily.Exercise expands blood stream and oxygen and supplements to the mind. Twenty minutes of strolling, cycling, swimming, or moving a day can truly improve your subjective limit. Besides it causes you look and to feel better!3. Play games.Strategy, pretending, and verbal games, in any event, testing crossword riddles or Sudoku can connect with your prefrontal cortex and assist you with building memory, mindfulness, motivation and prize processing.4. Practice meditation.Meditation can be an enchantment reset button for the mind. Stir your cells and center your psyche and wind up better arranged to confront the day. Indeed, even 15 minutes daily can truly make a difference.5. Get enough sleep.Getting enough rest is completely urgent to top capacity. On the off chance that you’re not resting enough, you’re trading off your capacity to absorb new data. Allow yourself and your cerebrum to rest. Go for at least 7 hours a night.6. Keep learning.The day you quit lea rning is the day you deteriorate. Start with things that intrigue you most, at that point read up as much as possible. Search out on the web or in-person talks, or assets on TV or the web. What's more, read a decent book! Indeed, even one you don’t hope to be as inspired by. You’ll never know where it may take you!7. Trigger your memoriesThumb through old pictures and attempt to review what you were doing, eating, wearing, just as the names of the considerable number of individuals. Burrowing back for subtleties like these can truly animate your memory apparatus.8. Mood killer the GPS.Remember past times worth remembering of working out bearings and afterward discover your way to your goal without a voice in your ear advising you to â€Å"Turn right†in 100 feet? It’s in reality extremely valuable exercise to let your cerebrum make sense of on its own how to get from direct A toward B. Also, you’ll make sense of your direction that a lot quicker in another place.9. Retain something.Whether a sonnet or a main tune, extending your cerebrum by remembering something can truly help recover your mind fit as a fiddle. It will likewise assist you with building your vocabulary.10. Lay off the booze.Drinking with some restraint is fine, yet liquor is a depressant and can hinder mental capacities. On the off chance that you should be at top structure, put down the martinis for a day or two. You’ll likely rest and think much better!
Friday, August 21, 2020
Angels Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Holy messengers - Essay Example Without a doubt the heavenly attendants have been major managing powers through the ages and they have stayed an inherent piece of my life from the adolescence. I do concur with the creator that holy messengers do exist and impact our choice in issues and occasions in our day by day life. While they may not come as pixies and splendid lights or even individuals with radiances, the voice of our still, small voice at basic hour, could be interpreted as the voice of the heavenly attendants who need us to take the correct way and right choice. The unpretentious manners by which individuals are cautioned of critical results incredibly fortify the nearness of some super force in our life and calling them by blessed messengers would not be erroneous, particularly when our strict folklore has called them as emissaries of God. My faith in the holy messengers has not mellowed with growing up on the grounds that I despite everything accept that heavenly attendants have come to me at whatever point I have been in troublesome circumstances, as companions, relative or significantly more peculiar who have approached and guided me to security and right way. In my colleague, I don’t have individuals who have dishonest thoughts regarding heavenly attendants however, some of them may not have confidence in the presence of gatekeeper blessed messengers. I do accept that heavenly attendants are somebody who need us to battle against the malevolent powers that may come in various structures, shapes and means. That is the explanation that the new age holy messengers have appeared as Harry Potter, Sabrina, the witch and so on. The media is teem with the stories of legends that have battled the demise traps and vanquished the ruinous powers that have come to hurt the individuals and compromised the presence of this world. The youngsters are incredibly pulled in to such serials and show since some place profound inside them, they accept that great individuals will overwhelm the malevolent powers. These shows are effective essentially in light of the fact that they affirm the convictions of the kids. The sacred writings of different religions have one normal conviction and that will be that there is some super force which takes care
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Spanish Nouns Whose Meanings Change With Gender
Nearly all nouns in Spanish are always masculine or always feminine. But there are a few nouns that can be of either gender. In most cases, those are the nouns describing what people do for a living, and the gender varies with the person the word stands for. Thus, for example, el dentista refers to a male dentist, while la dentista refers to a female dentist. Un artista is a male artist, while una artista is a female artist. Most of the occupational words that follow this pattern end in -ista. One common exception is atleta: un atleta is a male athlete, while una atleta is a female athlete. When Gender Affects Meaning But there are a few nouns where the matter of gender is more complicated. Those are the nouns whose meanings vary depending on the gender of articles or adjectives used with them. Here is a list of the most common such words; only the basic or most usual meanings are included here. baterà a: el baterà a male drummer; la baterà a battery, female drummerbusca: el busca pager (electronic device); la busca searchcabeza: el cabeza male in charge; la cabeza head (body part), female in chargecalavera: el calavera excessively hedonistic man; la calavera skullcapital: el capital investment; la capital capital city, capital lettercircular: el circular pie chart; la circular circular (printed notice)cà ³lera: el cà ³lera cholera; la cà ³lera angercoma: el coma coma; la coma commacometa: el cometa comet; la cometa kiteconsonante: el consonante rhyme; la consonante consonantcontra: el contra drawback or organ pedal; la contra opposing attitude or an antidotecorte: el corte cut, blade; la corte court (law)cura: el cura Catholic priest; la cura curedelta: el delta delta (of a river); la delta delta (Greek letter)doblez: el doblez fold, crease; la doblez double dealingeditorial: el editorial editorial (opinion article); la editorial pub lishing businessescucha: el escucha male sentry or guard; la escucha female sentry or guard, the act of listeningfinal: el final end; la final championship game in a tournamentfrente: el frente front; la frente foreheadguardia: el guardia policeman; la guardia protection, custody, guard, police force, policewomanguà a: el guà a male guide; la guà a guidebook, female guidehaz: el haz bundle or light beam; la haz face or surface (La haz is an exception to the rule about using el with feminine nouns beginning with a stressed a sound.)maà ±ana: el maà ±ana future; la maà ±ana morningmargen: el margen margin; la margen bank (as of a river)moral: el moral blackberry bush; la moral morale, moralityorden: el orden order (opposite of chaos); la orden religious orderordenanza: el ordenanza order (opposite of chaos); la ordenanza orderlypapa: el papa pope; la papa potatoparte: el parte document; la parte portionpendiente: el pendiente earring; la pe ndiente slopepez: el pez fish; la pez tar or pitchpolicà a: el policà a policeman; la policà a police force, policewomanradio: el radio radius, radium; la radio radio (In some areas, radio is masculine in all uses.)tema: el tema subject; la tema obsession (traditionally feminine for this meaning, although in modern usage tema is usually masculine for all uses)terminal: el terminal electrical terminal; la terminal shipping terminaltrompeta: el trompeta male trumpeter; la trompeta trumpet, female trumpetervista: el vista male customs officer; la vista view, female customs officervocal: el vocal male committee member; la vocal vowel, female committee member Why Some Nouns Have Two Genders The reasons some of the nouns in this list have two genders is lost in history, but in a few cases the dual gender is a matter of etymology: The masculine noun and feminine are separate words that only coincidentally have the same sound and spelling, making them homographs. Among the homograph pairs on this list are: El papa comes from Latin, which is common for words related to Catholicism, but la papa comes from Quechua, an indigenous South America language.Both el haz and la haz come from Latin. The former comes from fascis, the latter from facies.El coma comes from a Greek word referring to a deep sleep. While la coma has Greek origins, it came directly to Spanish from Latin.El pez comes from the Latin piscis, while la pez comes from the Latin pix or picis.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Math And Anatomy And Physiology Courses - 1530 Words
The sheer amount of terminology and conceptual knowledge required for anatomy and physiology can be overwhelming for students. Educational games are one approach to reinforce concepts. In this activity, students work in teams to review anatomy and physiology concepts by creating arrays of descriptive tiles to define a term. Once guessed, students use their spatial knowledge to locate the structure or process within the body. The game challenges students to think about course vocabulary in a different way and to pool their knowledge to get their classmates to guess the words. Pre-/post-test data reveal that students achieve statistically significant learning gains after playing the game, and a survey of student perceptions demonstrates that the game is helpful for learning vocabulary as well as fun to play. The game is easily adaptable for a variety of courses. Introduction Anatomy and Physiology courses are dense with terminology. Students struggle learning the vocabulary in addition to linking structure and function, explaining concepts, and making broader connections. To help facilitate understanding, instructors often turn to classroom activities that promote active learning. (Michael 2006, Lujan 2006, Jensen 2015) Active learning strategies are diverse, but most focus on asking students to reflect on what they know and apply it through an activity. The rise of flipped and active-learning classrooms has resulted in the development of a vast collection of tools toShow MoreRelatedAnimals And Animals Of Animals Essay911 Words  | 4 Pagessuggested, courses with good/competitive grades. Courses including biology, chemistry, anatomy, physiology, zoology, microbiology, animal science, math, humanities, and social science are typically required and/or suggested for entrance to a veterinary medical college. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Environmental Concerns Clean Water, Air Pollution
In times like theses, environmental concerns such as clean water, air pollution, wildfire and the like should be put on the back burner so that the economy can grow and we can create more jobs. From time to time, economic, environment, and political issues are treated with a different level of severity but more importantly they are treated separately. It is as if the three types of issue are of different entities. However what most failed to realize is that all those issues are interconnected on different levels: any environmental threat neglected will impact the earth, the primary residence of human beings, and the political or economical issue created affect the live of us human being. Thus, every decision made should ensure that all factors are taking into account and with that comes the question: should environmental concerns such as clean water, air pollution, wildlife be put on the back burner so that economy can grow and create more jobs? The clear answer to this question is s imply no because this solution’s aim is to better the economy’s growth and it will lead to a growth but only a short term one as oppose to the more preferable stable long term economic growth and this paper will highlights the reasoning behind this claim. Before going any further, let us first examine the basis of most countries’ economy and the factors that partake in the overall long-term growth of an economy. In general, there are two types of factors that influence the economic developmentShow MoreRelatedHealth Effects Of Air And Water Pollutants1159 Words  | 5 PagesHealth effects of air and water pollutants are major environmental issues that need to be better understood and controlled in the United States and globally. â€Å"Pollution can occur from natural causes or from human activities†(Air and Water Pollution, 2015, p. 1). 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Foreign Investment Economic Positioning of Spain
Question: Discuss about theForeign Investmentfor Economic Positioning of Spain. Answer: Introduction This assignment will come with three investment ideas that one can finance in a foreign country. The country that is chosen for the investment is are Spain. The main issue that the activity will cover is to explore three investment options for foreign direct investment(Salvo, et al., 2015). The activity will look at some of the reasons the country is a better option for investment and discusses the selection criteria for choosing Spain as an investment option. Investment Areas According to the social, Political, Environmental and economic positioning of Spain, the main investment areas would in in organizing a fashion week, coming up with holiday rentals and coming up with camping getaway for safari lovers. By looking at the first option of Fashion week, it is evident that fashion week expos are very lucrative and marketable events all around the world. For example, the British Fashion Week, has always worked well to attract more tourists, invite investment in the fashion industry of the country and enabled many un-known entrepreneur to come out and grow in the market(Karr, et al., 2014). In addition, when one invests in the event, it is a guarantee that national and international firms will innovate to capitalize on the theme of the event or in the sales Idea. A fashion week event is needed as it will be able to attract clients from all around the world including the United States, Italy, France, Britain, China, Japan, Africa fashion among other countries . The second investment area is Holiday Rentals. It is evident that this is one of the most profitable business in Spain. For example, the costal regions of Andaluca including Costa de la Luz, costa Tropical and Costa del Sol, as some of the most popular regions with tourists in the country. The climate is also favorable year round making the destination very easy for access. Tourist are expected to come from all around Europe, America and Asia. The region is also a winter and summer destination. Thus, establishing and putting ones money in Holiday rental homes is sure to bring around positive results. The third investment Idea would be to come up with a camping getaway event. This would be especially very experiential as campers will have a new experience of blending with Mother Nature and the wild. Given that the country has various wild destinations, it is definite the business will attract customers. Other activities that will go with it include game hunting, capacity building games, fishing and other forms of sport. In fact, for big business men who may not have time for resting, camping gateway would be a better way of sparing time to enjoy with family and friends. Selection Criteria After going through the above three investment areas, the best option would be to investment in Holiday Rentals. The criteria for choosing the above areas is that the business is a guarantee investment return business(Dowell-Jones, 2014). It is normal for tourists to visit the country in all seasons, meaning that they will definitely need a place to stay. In addition, home rentals are cheaper to the chosen clients who would rather do this that book hotels(Braise, 2015). The tourism industry is also doing well in the country. Conclusion In conclusion, as much as the three areas are good investment options in the country, the selection criteria considered returns on investment, sustainability of the business and profitability. It was thus evident that investing in home rentals for tourists would be a better option. References Braise, L., 2015. Where to Invests in a Spanish Holiday. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 28 January 2017]. Dowell-Jones, M., 2014. Investing in Emerging Markets: The Ethical Context. The Journal of Corporate Citizenship, Volume 48, pp. 75-90. Karr, A., Naughton, J. Young, V., 2014. Fashion Scoops. WWD, 207(70), p. 70. Salvo, P., Mogolln, J. M. H., Clemente, E. Calzati, V., 2015. Territory, tourism and local products. The extra virgin oil's enhancement and promotion: a benchmarking italy-spain. Tourism and Hospitality Management, 19(1), p. 23.
Monday, April 13, 2020
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Effective Tips For Writing Law Essays
Effective Tips For Writing Law Essays Law Essay: Pointers for a Captivating Essay Even as a law student, you are bound to write an essay at some point in your coursework. You will come to realize that the complexity of writing this type of essay keeps changing as the topics are modified and updated regularly. To ensure your essay is first-class, you should be updated with the latest content on the law as it comes by, and have been of good quality in research. This will give you an advantage of crafting a top-class essay that your reader can relate with. Below are the ways you can apply to ensure you come up with a law essay that is competent and lucid: Picking the Topic to Discuss To many students, this seems to be an easy thing to do. However, t you should know that it is a crucial part of the law essay you intend to write. Below are dependable themes that you should know in order to pick a good topic: Read the assignment more than once Many students take this as a light issue. You would be surprised by a large number of students who drop their grades in law essay writing because of avoiding reading and understanding the given promptly. If the topic provided has an assigned topic, then the logic is centrally based. The student will research ideas that are only related to the topic and determine how to approach it, either by broadening the topic or narrowing it down to a specific point of view. The construction of your essay will majorly depend on the topic; the length of paper signed (this will determine the fitting of your essay outline), and the academic level you are addressing. However, if the topic is not provided, you are required to either choose for yourself the subject you feel interested in or alternatively consult your professor. Topics you personally choose will have the potential to award you better grades; simply because of the motivation behind the writing will be more informative and inspiring. Go Through the Class Notes The class notes will provide some in-depth information that you require in your research. It is advisable to choose a topic that was discussed briefly in class, which will help you craft a profound law essay piece. This will guarantee you excellent future grades in your work. Always Brainstorm Your Topic After reading through your class work, find more inspiration in articles, and any other material you have collected while you initially conducted research on the topic. At this stage, you should highly consider the length of the paper you have been awarded and the arrangement of each piece of information to form a draft outline structure. There are many ways of brainstorming your work. You can either contemplate quietly or mind maps. Choose the one that you can easily work with. This will help you in creating a list of questions that should be answered, and the arguments to be addressed. You will be ready to write a good essay when you realize that your arguments and ideas relate to the questions and to be answered, and the topic that is being addressed. Be Fluent Addressing Your Interests Writing on the subject matter you have an interest in, or passionate about is the easiest way to come up with a high-quality paper. Reflecting on your passion in law, while crafting your essay is the best way to get inspiration and motivation. Conduct An In-Depth Research By now, you should know that initial research is not enough to come up with sufficient content for your essay topic. There are many ways of crafting an A+ paper and understanding the types of sources required for your paper is a vital part. As you do your research, you will come across different sources, but this does not mean they all relate to your research. Below are some essential tips to help you pick sources that relate to your work, and still comply with the standards for academic writing: Brainstorm on the types of sources you need All sources of information are categorized into primary, secondary and tertiary sources. Primary sources are basically interviews; questionnaires and any other form of getting first-hand information. Secondary sources entail the full analysis of the information gathered from primary sources. Tertiary sources collectively analyze information gathered from both primary and secondary sources. When it is time to conduct your extensive research, remember to through your assignment again. You might, however, realize that the professor has assigned the type of sources you are to use with your work. Others include the number of resources you are to analyze. It this case, do not deviate and analyze sources that have not been given. When the prompt given lacks information, you can write the basic law essay which is founded on your secondary and tertiary research work. Primary research is mostly associated with multifaceted assignments like thesis and dissertations. Remember to Always Start with Your Tertiary Sources This tip is efficient in helping you avoid time wastage while conducting research on your topic. Since they contain the main points and arguments of both primary and secondary sources, they will give you reliable information that will help you write a top-class law essay. This will give you a chance to quickly go through your written work concerning the subject of discussion, and pick related books, articles or any other source of information relating to your subject of discussion. Tertiary sources are mostly academic guidebooks such as the standard textbooks and encyclopedias. As you use them in your research make sure you read through the footnotes and bibliographies which make a list of reference sources you can use for research. Talk with the Librarian Even though it is easy to get information online, do not underestimate the knowledge and information you can find in your local, or university library. You will be surprised at the amount of information regarding a particularly important subject matter that cannot be found in the World Wide Web. Take advantage of this and visit a library near you. This will also give you a chance to talk to the librarian who will help you locate suitable sources for the information you require. The librarians knowledge might extend to your topic for discussion, and engaging one will help you a lot in the writing of your law essay. Only Use Specialized Search Engines The Google search engine has an incredible amount of useful information, but most are structured to relate more to fun than for academic purposes. However, their Google scholar search engine is the best option when it comes to searching for academic information. For those who live in the United States, can also be a resourceful online search engine containing a huge number of credible and acceptable information you can use. While you embark on your research, take the tie to go through information related to your field of study. History and politics are the most common ones. Cautiously Read Through Each Source You Collect Many students commit the same mistake each and every time they are writing an essay. They collect random materials they find in their online research and aimlessly fill their bibliographies with unrelated academic resources. Please do keep in mind that even if the topic of the article or source feels kind of related to your work, it does not mean that the content will relate to your topic. You may underestimate the knowledge of your professor about this, but your grades will tell you later since he might beware. Remember that it is crucial to go through your sources and use the complete citation as per the required style (APA, MLA, Chicago, and Harvard) to fill your bibliography section. Also remember that some of the quotes you have used come from these sources, so it is important to ensure that you pay attention when it comes to referencing and in-text citation. Only Choose Topics That Fit Your Preference and Make Notes After you select a point that fits your essay topic, make a summary of each point and related argument that you will use in your law essay. There are two ways to do it; either you highlight the crucial parts or create a separate document and copy paste the information. However, this might be an easy way to approach note-taking, but it is not an as effective process. Taking notes manually ensures that you put down points oriented to your topic to help you easily create a comprehensive law essay that is well outlined. Have in mind that copy-pasting is a risky process as you might end up putting the same content into your essay. This is subject to plagiarism and can lower your grade heavily when it is detected. Make sure that you utilize the note-taking process as you will be able to come up with unique ideas that are original and logical. Conduct a Research of Opposing Arguments As a writer, you are required to compose an essay which mostly relates to your point of view. However, your point of reason should not be one-sided, especially in topics that are complex or controversial such as those in law. Take time and conduct thorough research of opposing arguments and use them to prove the validity of your point of reason over them to your target audience. The process of Writing Your Law Essay After you have done enough research and gathered enough evidence to work with, you can now start writing your law essay. Below are some tips that will help you in the construction of your law essay easily.    Begin with a thesis Take a look at the main research question you were deliberating about earlier. If you did complete the full research and analysis of it, you could use it to address your thesis statement. This will include the primary issue you will discuss in your essay. The thesis statement should be the closing statement of your introductory paragraph.    Formulate a Draft Outline You can easily achieve this by going through your previously drafted work on the law essay topic and arrange the vital information available to fit a logical flow of your intended idea.    Each Paragraph To Address a Single Argument Your introductory paragraph addresses your problem and the thesis statement. For body paragraphs, use them to expound on your point and support them with valid information and arguments to prove your point of view. Additionally, ensure that each paragraph addresses a single point of view. Remember to arrange your body paragraph in order, for your work to make sense when a reader goes through it.    Include the Opposing Arguments As mentioned earlier, your counter-arguments are necessary to give the reader an impression of the validity of your perspective. Use one paragraph to address the opposing arguments to your thesis statement. While you try to prove the counter-arguments wrong, always remember to remain reasonable and logical as you address the issue. Avoid criticizing and prove your point sufficiently.    Write a Well-Organized Conclusion A well-organized conclusion should consist of a restatement of each valid point that you have argued in your body paragraphs. At the start of it, you should also write a restated thesis statement. The idea here is not to paraphrase your points, to restate and prove that it’s right.    Go Through the Paper Again Proofreading is an important aspect of ensuring your essay is first-class and worth the highest grade to be awarded by your professor. You should do this after you have finished writing the final piece of work. It is advisable to do it the following day when you are fresh enough to go through each statement you have put across carefully. Through this, you will identify any mechanical or technical error, from spelling mistakes to punctuation, and even grammatical errors.    Work with the Required Formatting As you proofread your work, it is important to check the outline structure of your work and academic format (this will be specified in the assignment prompt). If none is provided, pick one of your preferred choices and stick to it until you finish your work.
Monday, February 24, 2020
A report evaluating the processes, methods and outcomes of a website Essay
A report evaluating the processes, methods and outcomes of a website created for Autistic people - Essay Example At present, there are very few websites for those with ASD. However, there are a lot of websites, books, journals and articles which target people who have to deal with ASD patients like teachers, parents employers etc. Objective To agree on the requirements of those with autism spectrum disorder and determine what elements must be present in a fully-functioning, educational website, the objectives to determine if the website is working are: Present the developmental requirements of autism patients. Autistic people develop at different rates and in different ways as opposed to those who do not suffer from ASD (National Autistic Society, 2010). To find out how those with ASD feel about the internet. Do they feel comfortable browsing website and talking in online chat rooms? How would Human-Computer Interaction or user interfaces will affect autistic people? Rationale As mentioned above there are currently a few, known websites that deal with autistic people directly. This made the res earch very hard as it would have been easier to look at other websites aimed directly to them and see how they have used human computer interface to design the look of the website. However, to find the information needed, research had to be done published materials of writers and professionals dealing with the autistic disease communication as well as evaluate websites that are already up and running. The research conducted was at first to list the basic activities a person does on a day to day basis and then to find out how ASD patients handle these situations. It will also try to seek out how the ASD individuals seek support from websites. The main purpose of this project is to make sure that people with ASD and related disorders can live together in a society where no one is isolated. The rest of this report will evaluate the research that was done, the methodology used to create the website, the results where the whole product will be evaluated and finally the conclusion. Resear ch Implementing the product was based on the research that had been carried out during the initial part of the project. The means of research included books, websites, journals and information from professionals within the field of autism. There were two parts of research done. The first part of the research was based on the behaviour, activity and general responses that ASD patients show. The second part of the research is about the way the website was going to be built; the design and how the website was going to be populated. ASD patient research To first process to learn about ASD patients was to ask major organisations within the UK for basic information such as the National Autistic Society and Autism UK. However, they could not provide the relevant information needed that directly was aimed at autistic people (Appendix A.1). To overcome this obstacle, research was carried out through books and interviews with notable people who deal with autistic people (Appendix A.2). At fir st it was hard researching, as it was something new, but after undertaking the Research Report, researching now was something familiar and quite enjoyable as a lot of time was used just on researching in the field of autism. Using this information, it was easy to apply to autistic people. The website now had information that is useful for the autistic
Friday, February 7, 2020
Ip2 team and leadership Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Ip2 team and leadership - Research Paper Example Based on such a perspective, this paper develops a training guide by analyzing how different aspects affect management and leadership. A number of factors affect leadership and its effectiveness. Such aspects include personalities, values, attitudes, cognitive differences, emotions, and charisma among others. Personalities work to build trust and respect among individuals that one gets involved with others. Other aspects including attitudes, cognitive differences, and emotions enable one to understand how to work with others towards the achievement of other goals (Hawkins, 2011). Courage is a characteristic of leaders enabling them to be different from the norm, establish appropriate changes, and provide for new opportunities (Fisher, 2000). Together with morals, courage enhances the ability of an effective leader to tackle new life challenges without hurting them in any way in driving a particular agenda for the development of an organization. There are five sources of power, which every leader should possess, in order to provide effective leadership. Such include expert power involving a significant domain of knowledge and skills, positional power, as is the case of an organizational CEO, reward power, which works as an influence on the followers of a particular leader. Others include coercive power, the power required to effect discipline among the followers, and personal power that enables a leader to effect personal feeling towards the performance of an individual (Wu,
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Tesla Motors Essay Example for Free
Tesla Motors Essay Elon Musk successfully established Tesla Motors as one of the leaders in the electric vehicle industry since his induction as CEO in 2008. Tesla Motors designs, manufactures, and sells electric cars and powertrain components. The company also provides services for the development of powertrain systems and components, and sells electric powertrain components to other automotive manufacturers. It markets and sells its vehicles through Tesla stores as well as over the internet (Mora 2014, 1). Consumers and companies are looking to save at the pump, and what better way to do so than with electric vehicles (Mora 2014, 1)? Through government support and raised capital, Musk has put Tesla in an advantageous position to capitalize on the growing electric vehicle market. Battery electric vehicles will increase at a 31.5% compound annual growth over the next seven years (Navigant Research 2013). With Musk’s leadership and innovation, Tesla plans on boosting sales by increasing current production of the Model S, introducing the Model X SUV in 2015, and introducing the more affordable Gen III by 2017 (Recharge Now, Forbes 2013). â€Å"Tesla has now crept onto the top ten list for brand perception, as ranked by Consumer Reports†(Ingram 2013, 1). Tesla is exceeding their own expectations as more consumers are becoming familiar with their company. In 2013, sales totaled to 22,450, while forecasts were set at 21,500 (Ohnsman). All of this success has resulted in Tesla’s stock rising nearly $100 this past year (Yahoo Finance 2014). With people increasingly worrying about the harmful effects of combustion engines on the environment and the limited supply of oil, the market for electric cars has a ton of potential. While there is tons of potential for Tesla, the truth is that they have yet to make an annual profit. Yes, they did raise their revenue from $413 million to $2 billion in the last year, but this still resulted in a net loss of $74 million (Yahoo Finance 2014). This loss is primarily due to the high cost of goods sold, which is why it is so important to keep researching and developing cheaper ways to produce their technology. â€Å"Few expect to trim electric-car battery costs by more than 20%-30% by the planned 2016†(Recharge Now, Forbes 2013). Increasing sales indicates a positive future for Tesla, but if they are unable to effectively reduce the cost of goods their financial condition will suffer. Next, we will examine the opportunities that Tesla could capitalize on with their substantial growth over the past few years. Being that oil is a limited resource, it’s only a matter of time before the supply becomes extremely scarce, resulting in skyrocketing oil prices. This event should cause a major shift to the use of electric vehicles. The average consumer cannot afford the $90,000 and up Model S, but many are still interested in owning an electric vehicle. Musk realizes this opportunity and has begun developing a more affordable model known as the Gen III. In order to launch this model at a price point of around $35,000 Tesla must drastically reduce the cost of batteries. Tesla unveiled details about a plan to build a â€Å"gigafactory†. It will cost them $5 billion, but it will reduce battery costs by an impressive 30% in the first year (Trefis 2014, 1). At peak production, this factory will be able to produce 50 gigawatt-hours of batteries in a year, more than the entire world’s current production (Trefis 2014,2). At this point, Tesla could provide surplus batteries to the electronic industry and potentially become a leading producer of energy storage. Despite all of this, there are potential threats to Tesla’s business, mainly the competition they face in the alternative fuel vehicle market. Many established and upcoming automobile manufacturers have entered, or plan on entering this market. For example, BMW, Cadillac, Porsche, and Audi are promoting new plug-in models aimed at affluent consumers (White 2013, 1). Established luxury brands are muscling on to Teslas turf in part because government policies are forcing them to, and in part because they see Mr. Musk peeling away influential trendsetters they dont want to lose (White 2013, 2). The impact of these new luxury plug-ins on Tesla will depend on whether they are trying to expand the segment, or merely go after the same consumers. With Elon Musk’s plan to increase production of the Model S, while introducing two new vehicles by 2015 and 2017, the Model X and Gen III, we should expect to see continued success from Tesla Motors. If Musk successfully reduces operational costs and offers consumers an affordable Tesla model, he may trigger an amazing turning point in the auto industry and leave a lasting impression on the world. Works Cited Alpert, Bill. â€Å"Recharge Now!†Forbes. 10 June 2013. Web. 16 October 2013. â€Å"Electric Vehicle Market Forecasts. Navigant Research. Navigant Consulting Inc, 2014. Web. 13 Mar. 2014. Ingra, Antony. Tesla Gains In Brand Awareness. Green Car Reports. High Gear Media, 4 Feb. 2013. Web. 13 Mar. 2014. Mora, Victor. Is Tesla Motors an Attractive Investment? Wall St. Cheat Sheet. Wall St Cheat Sheet, 21 Jan. 2014. Web. 13 Mar. 2014. Ohnsman, Alan. Tesla Rises After Model S Sales in 2013 Exceed Forecast. Bloomberg, 15 Jan. 2014. Web. 13 Mar. 2014. â€Å"Tesla Motors Inc. (TSLA).†Yahoo Finance. Web. 13 March 2014. Trefis. Gigafactory Will Cost Tesla $5 Billion But Offers Significant Cost Reductions. Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 11 Mar. 2014. Web. 13 Mar. 2014. White, Joseph B. BMW, Cadillac Aim to Pull Plug on Tesla With Pricey New Cars. The Wall Street Journal. Dow Jones Company, 20 Nov. 2013. Web. 13 Mar. 2014.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
The Men of Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston Essays
The Men of Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston     In Their Eyes Were Watching God, by Zora Neale Hurston, the reader is given a particular glimpse into Janie's life with reference to the men she has known. Janie's three men are all very different, yet they were all Janie's husband at one point in her life. Although they all behaved differently, in lifestyle as well as their relationship with Janie, they all shared certain similarities.             Janie's first husband was a poor old soul named Logan Killicks. He was an ugly, dirty farmer whose prime concern for Janie was that she do her share of the work in order to keep the farm up and running. Janie was simply another pair of hands to do some work. When compared with Janie's second husband, Logan seems uncaring and rude.  When Janie first met her second husband, Joe, he was very caring and reassuring - an ideal husband. Joe was an ambitious young man with many goals set out for him. And like Janie, he was raised around a white background. Joe strived to be and have the best at everything. However, once Joe got Janie as his wife, he became a jealous and demanding man, just as Logan had been. Joe saw himself as a god, his sentences began with " I god..." ... ...use he used it to help himself become mayor. Tea Cake loved Janie for who she was as a woman. All three had completely different things to offer Janie economically, socially, and emotionally.   The two rich men loved a woman, the poor man loved Janie.  Works Cited and Consulted: Hurston, Zora Neale. Their Eyes Were Watching God. New York: Perennial Classics, 1990. Interpretations: Zora Neale Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1987. Williams, Shirley Anne. Forward. Their Eyes Were Watching God. By Zora Neale Hurston. New York: Bantam-Dell, 1937. xv.
Monday, January 13, 2020
The novels Sons and Lovers by D. H. Lawrence
The novels Sons and Lovers by D. H. Lawrence and Orlando by Virginia Woolf make interesting comments on sexuality and the gender roles defined by society and the class system. Through Orlando and the other characters of that story, Woolf depicts androgynous characteristics of men and women, highlighting the similarities between the genders. Lawrence’s characters, too, show an interrelationship between the sexes that belies the societal norms. Classification and structure of the societies in both novels denote a separation that, like that of gender, seems superficial as the main characters are able to transcend class by experiencing aspects of different strata. Many of the problems regarding gender and sexuality, it is found, persist regardless of the class. In both stories, therefore, one finds the depiction of relations in which class and conventions dictate the role of women and men on the societal level, yet on the individual level, the relationships between men and women a re often odd and confusing in defiance of these dictates.Though Orlando starts out sarcastically mocking its own direction with the words â€Å"Heâ€â€for there could be no doubt of his sex [†¦]†(Woolf, 3), the descriptions of the characters and especially of Orlando in the novel demonstrate a fundamental likeness between the two sexes that is often overlooked in a society that stresses the salient yet superficial differences. In fact, Woolf at first draws attention to his being in the middle of slicing a Moor’s headâ€â€an action not conventionally considered suited to females, but then she traces his image by defining body parts that are common to both sexes and hold very little gender-differentiating characteristics. She describes his red cheeks â€Å"covered with peach down†(4). Though this â€Å"down†might be in reference to a (very thin) mustache, the delicacy of the description lends a feminine flavor to the entire portrait. Other cha racters are described in this way too. The archduchess Harriet is a very tall womanâ€â€who turns out to be really a man, and when Orlando first sees Sasha he is unable to determine her sex as she appears to be straddling both.Sons and Lovers can be seen to portray a similar view of the masculine children of the Morel family. The sons William and Paul are introduced in their youth, which is the time when girls and boys share many characteristics that are differentiated in the future. As they grow up, their co-dependence on their mother further attributes to them an appearance of femininity as they (especially Paul) are unable to make decisions that leave her out. In the sister Annie, too, has an element of the hermaphrodite, as she is described as a tomboy to whom Paul looks up. These facts prepare the readers for the further confusing roles of the sexes and the strange ideas of class and sexuality that come with them.At the beginning of the novels both protagonists (Paul and Orl ando) are pictures of sexual purity. Queen Elizabeth considers Orlando to be a picture of innocence. Soon, however, Orlando encounters Sheba, expresses freedom with his sexuality, and has trouble finding love. It is interesting to note that though Woolf ostensibly portrays the two sexes as only superficially different, Orlando’s sexual freedom becomes tempered once he changes from man to woman, and it is in his female state that he finds love. Paul, on the other hand, exhibits an initial restraint toward sex during his more youthful and effeminate period. It is later in his maturity that he becomes passionate and pursues sexual relations with Miriam. Both Orlando and Paul are met with difficulty in finding what Orlando terms â€Å"life and a lover†(Woolf, 90). Orlando is, however, able to reconcile his differences with†¦ the opposite sex. Paul cannot, however, and remains alone.The roles of the men and women in these two stories are atypical when compared with th ose defined by the class and society in which they live. It is noteworthy first of all that though the class distinctions existed, they all regarded women as members of the softer sex who were in need of protection and guidance from the opposite sex. In Sons and Lovers, Mr. Morel is a poor provider for his family as he dissipates his earnings on drink and lives in a house provided by his mother. His wife directs the path of his sons, and he plays a very small role in his family. Alongside him, Mrs. Morel appears less like the fireside, knitting woman and more like the man who solicits work for her sons and advises them on relationships.Miriam’s reaction to Paul is also one in which the woman expresses the desire to perform in a role that is conventionally reserved for men. He thoughts are, â€Å"Then he was so ill, and she felt he would be weak. Then she would be stronger than he. Then she could love him. If she could be mistress of him in his weakness, take care of him, if he could depend on her, if she could, as it were, have him in her arms, how she would love him!†(Sons and Lovers, 137) The role of protector is given to man by Western society, and in all classes men are seen as the stronger sex that exist to take care of women. Here Miriam wishes to fill that role, take Paul in her arms, protect and love him. Paul’s character, in turn, appears to be one that would fit well into this portrait, as he is already in a subordinate position with his mother.In Orlando, something can be said along these lines as well. The title character weaves in and out of the roles of women and men as though they were only superficially differentiated. He admits that at core he is the same, though by society’s standards he performs adequately in each role. Researcher Ruth Gruber writes, â€Å"There is almost no perversion in Orlando's bi-sexuality. As a man, he has a strong predilection towards women, makes violent love to princesses and lies with ‘loose women’†(87). He is accepted by female prostitutes and male archdukes alike, their genders allowing them no knowledge regarding the truth of this woman who once was man.The fact that the prostitute as well as the arch duke accepts Orlando leads also to the idea that class barriers are as superficial as the ones that separates the sexesâ€â€which renders them complicated but superable. Orlando himself declares that he feels attached to the low born, but when he goes to live among the gypsies, he realizes he does share some of the appreciations of the higher classes. This gives the idea that just as human nature transcends gender, so it also transcends class.This idea is reflected too in Sons and Lovers. Paul is also akin to the common people and tells his mother this when she expresses the desire for him to rise to a higher class. This mother, who had accepted a lower position in marrying Mr. Morel, has found little happiness in the descent. Lawrence writ es this in a letter to a friend: â€Å"a woman of character and refinement goes into the lower class, and has no satisfaction in her own life†(â€Å"Letter,†28). Still, judging from his mother’s desire and that of Miriam who â€Å"hated her position as a swine girl†(Sons and Lovers, 137), it is put forth that the luxuries of the higher class were still (perhaps naturally) desirable to humans.Remarkably, the authors hit upon similar themes in two vastly different types of novels. Orlando, a fantastic piece written by Virginia Woolf, presents theories about gender, class and sexuality that show them to be complex and therefore not as easily defined as convention would have it. D. H. Lawrence’s more realistic tale is able to touch upon these issues as well. The novels challenge both reality and belief by depicting the characters with plausible emotions in their situations. Even in the case of Orlando, the handling of relationships rings authentic i n both his period as a man and as a woman. The class situations and the expressions of sexuality also assist in demonstrating that the complicated nature of the human being transcends barriers of sex and class.Works CitedGruber, Ruth. Virginia Woolf: The Will to Create as a Woman. New York: Carroll and     Graf, 2005.Lawrence, D. H. â€Å"Letter to Edward Garnett, 19 November 1912.†D. H. Lawrence’s Sons  and Lovers: A Casebook. Eds. John Worthen and Andrew Harrison. Oxford:     Oxford UP, 2005.Lawrence, D. H. Sons and Lovers. New York: Signet, 1985.Woolf, Virginia. Orlando: A Biography. Hertfordshire: Wordsworth, 1995.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Overview of Sociobiology Theory
While the term sociobiology can be traced to the 1940s, the concept of sociobiology first gained major recognition with Edward O. Wilson’s 1975 publication Sociobiology: The New Synthesis. In it, he introduced the concept of sociobiology as the application of evolutionary theory to social behavior. Overview Sociobiology is based on the premise that some behaviors are at least partly inherited and can be affected by natural selection. It begins with the idea that behaviors have evolved over time, similar to the way that physical traits are thought to have evolved. Animals will, therefore, act in ways that have proven to be evolutionarily successful over time, which can result in the formation of complex social processes, among other things.​ According to sociobiologists, many social behaviors have been shaped by natural selection. Sociobiology investigates social behaviors such as mating patterns, territorial fights, and pack hunting. It argues that just as selection pressure led to animals evolving useful ways of interacting with the natural environment, it also led to the genetic evolution of advantageous social behavior. Behavior is therefore seen as an effort to preserve one’s genes in the population and certain genes or gene combinations are thought to influence particular behavioral traits from generation to generation. Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection explains that traits less adapted to particular conditions of life will not endure in a population because organisms with those traits tend to have lower rates of survival and reproduction. Sociobiologists model the evolution of human behaviors in much the same way, using various behaviors as the relevant traits. In addition, they add several other theoretical components to their theory. Sociobiologists believe that evolution includes not just genes, but also psychological, social, and cultural features. When humans reproduce, offspring inherit the genes of their parents, and when parents and children share genetic, developmental, physical, and social environments, the children inherit the gene-effects of their parents. Sociobiologists also believe that the different rates of reproductive success are related to different levels of wealth, social status, and power within that culture. Example of Sociobiology in Practice One example of how sociobiologists use their theory in practice is through the study of sex-role stereotypes. Traditional social science assumes that humans are born with no innate predispositions or mental contents and that sex differences in children’s behavior is explained by the differential treatment of parents who hold sex-role stereotypes. For example, giving girls baby dolls to play with while giving boys toy trucks, or dressing little girls in only pink and purple while dressing boys in blue and red. Sociobiologists, however, argue that babies do have innate behavioral differences, which trigger the reaction by parents to treat boys one way and girls another way. Further, females with low status and less access to resources tend to have more female offspring while females with high status and more access to resources tend to have more male offspring. This is because a woman’s physiology adjusts to her social status in a way that affects both the sex of her child and her parenting style. That is, socially dominant women tend to have higher testosterone levels than others and their chemistry makes them more active, assertive, and independent than other women. This makes them more likely to have male children and also to have a more assertive, dominant parenting style. Critiques of Sociobiology Like any theory, sociobiology has its critics. One critique of the theory is that it is inadequate to account for human behavior because it ignores the contributions of the mind and culture. The second critique of sociobiology is that it relies on genetic determinism, which implies approval of the status quo. For example, if male aggression is genetically fixed and reproductively advantageous, critics argue, then male aggression seems to be a biologic reality in which we have little control.
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